Many times you can get an option for financing the loan for your car with 0 percent down payment. This may happen because you are desperate to own a car and doesn't have enough money as down payment. So, in these scenarios, the dealers can overlook the down payment. But in return, they will charge high interest rates
Why should you not get a car with no down payment?
There are the following reasons for which you should put down payment before availing loan for the car even if they had no down payment policy too.
Less Financed Amount
The main reason that you should not get a car with no down payment even if the dealer is giving you an option of zero down payment is that you will have to finance a lot with that. However, with even minimal down payment, you will get the less financed amount.
Low Monthly Payments
The next reason is that you will have low monthly payments to be paid if you had put any amount in shape of down payment.
Minimal Down Payment
It is recommended to anyone who is willing to get a car on the loan that you should give any amount in shape of down payment because in return it will decrease the amount you have to pay on monthly basis. You can avail loan for the car with no down payment but in that case rates and fees will be higher.
How to Start Saving for Down Payment for Car Loan?
If you don't have down payment for your car loan, then you can start saving few bucks. There are tricks which you can apply to overcome the issue of having no down payment.
Start Saving & Boost Credit Score
That is obvious that you have to start saving. But how can you? You can start saving for example from a cup of coffee you purchase daily costing you from 2$ to 4$ daily. In 6 months you will have enough money as down payment to pay and can get the car loan in lower rates and monthly payments.
If you have the credit score of 650 or higher then you have more chances to get the loan for a car with no down payment even with lower monthly payments and rates. How can you boost your credit score? Well, by checking your credit report regularly and paying your bills on time.
Get a Cosigner
The last but not the least way you can choose to get a car with no down payment is that you can get a cosigner. The consigner can be your family member or any friend having high credit scores. The consigner will be sharing ownership of the vehicle along with payment responsibility. But keep this in mind that if you miss a payment, then the effect will be on your cosigner credit score too. The benefit of getting a cosigner is that you will have lower interest rates. There is no right to the vehicle by your friend or family member who cosign. Always keep the record organized about your loan payments to avoid any disagreements.
Why Choose Us
The team at Southdale Motors provides quality, caring customer service to help you the consumer feel comfortable through the process of purchasing a car.
- We Will Take Care Of Everything In One Place
- We Have Large Selection of Cars
- We Have Easy Auto Finance Facilities
- We Have Vehicle Service & Maintenance
We treats every person who comes to Southdale Motors like family. Southdale Motors is a car dealership second, and a customer service business first!
At Southdale Motors we place a great deal of importance on establishing or re-establishing your credit histories and help with bad credit loans. Southdale Motors will take care of everything in one place, in one easy step and we make it easier to make it yours. Get approved now!